Devils Boner strain; I wonder how much time, effort and energy is expended by breeders when they are naming new strains? As a young buck, I always had an interest in commercial sales/ads and marketing. Personally I think names are very important and the more we are exposed to it the more we would like or dislike the name of the strain.
How important are Devils Boner strain? Do certain names get your interest? Are there some names that turn you off? Personally I think it plays a very big part in sales. Of course, I imagine most of us read up the reviews and such to see the specifics of the strain but that initial viewing of the name surely gets our attention or turns us away.
I admit certain names grab my attention more than others. In fact some names I will avoid all together just because of the name. I now that sounds a bit shallow and ridiculous but that’s how I feel.
The fruity/edible-like names always get my interest: Blueberry, Pinapple Chunk, Chocolate Thai, etc. LSD always gets my attention too and anything with Kush in the name. Caramelicious and Tangerine Dream are cool. Train Wreck is a good name. Moonshine is quite appealing to me.
Names I dislike: I really dislike the vulgar names: Fuckin Incredible, Alaskan Thunderfuck, Rhinofuck and I also dislike using “God” in strains like God-Bud, Blue God,. ..Then there is God’s Pussy, a combo of vulgarity and religion stuff. I just can’t imagine 85 year old Granny asking for some God’s Pussy….or how about the strain Donkey Dick? ” Excuse me Sonny , I need some Donkey Dick?” Then there is a strain named Blueballs. “I am sorry Granny, no Donkey Dick here but I do have Blueballs.” Anything with “Cough” in it turns me off. This is not to say it’s a bad smoke but the name doesn’t really pique my interest. Cat Piss is another odd one as is Brown Bomber (turds)
Some names are supposed to be funny or cutesy but man they sure rub me the wrong way. But some could be entertainingly funny. Like Green Crack and Blockhead . AK47 sounds a bit violent and the strain really doesn’t fit the name, IMO. I am not too hip on naming strains after a person either. I know the intention may be in remembrance or in honor but it just doesn’t grab me. Maybe because I think people can use a persons name to gain popularity based on the name itself. (although the MJ, Jack Herer lives up to it’s name). I am not a big fan of the strain name of Bob Marley or Jerry Garcia.
On another note (wake n bake kicking in here) it would be interesting to write up a short story or poem using all the different names of weed strains….maybe it’s been done already.