Pink Pussy Poppers


Batch: Aug-05-2024

Bud Size: Small-Med-Large

Texture: Dense

Sugar Content: High-Very High Sugar

Flavour: Gassy, Dank

Nose Strength: High-Very High

THC Content – 27-29%

Common Usage – Pain, Insomnia, Loss of Appetite

Effects – Relaxed, Sedated, Sleepy

The buds of Pink Pussy are a sight to behold, with shades of pink and purple blending together in a mesmerizing display. Its aroma is equally enchanting, emitting a sweet and floral scent that lingers in the air, inviting you to indulge. Once you light up Pink Pussy, you’ll be treated to a smooth and flavourful smoke that tantalizes your taste buds. The effects are equally impressive, providing a gentle and uplifting high that sparks creativity and leaves you feeling euphoric.

Mix and Match ounces for the lowest prices here!
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